1,458 RETAIL locations without lost time accident, 克罗格(KROGER)  2013_Sustainability Report
2014-02-26 USA
Accident frequency at BMW Group, BMW sustainable vaLue Report 可持续发展与企业社会责任报告
2014-02-26 Europe
Trends in Occupational Accident Rates Hitachi Group Sustainability Report 日立
2014-02-26 Japan
Siemens Accidents worldwide 2013_sustainability_information
2014-02-25 Europe
Trends in Occupational Accidents (Total Accident Frequency Ratio) Sustainability Report 2013 日产汽车 NI
2014-02-25 Japan
Honda Industrial Accidents, Honda CSR Report 2013
2014-02-25 Japan
Accidents at work and occupational illnesses 2012 Corporate social responsibility report - BNP Parib
2014-02-24 Europe
Safety at work, accidents data 苏伊士集团 GDF SUEZ
2014-02-24 Europe
Frequency index of industrial accidents, 墨西哥石油公司(PEMEX)
2014-02-24 South America
Fatal Accident Rate (fatalities per 100 million man-hours of risk exposure – employees and outsource
2014-02-24 South America
2012-GE-Citizenship-Report-15%reduction Accident rate
2014-02-24 USA
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