2013 DuPont Sustainability Report_web Total Recordable Injuries and Illnesses

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更新 2014-02-24 16:17



Total Recordable Injuries and Illnesses

Over many years, DuPont has developed and formalized safety practices that have proved fundamental to the DuPont safety management system. These practices comprise the essential elements of safety, which fosters a culture that is centered on caring for people, driven by felt leadership, and delivers operational discipline.

Our central safety committee (e.g., the Responsible Care® Committee) and associated subcommittees have proved to be effective in carrying out company policy, disseminating information, and enlisting employees in the safety management effort and generating and sustaining interest in safety.

Today, we operate with a deep commitment to our core value of safety and health. We believe that all injuries and occupational illnesses, as well as safety and environmental incidents, are preventable, and for all of them we are “Committed to Zero.”

Below is a record of our safety performance, recorded as total injuries and illnesses per 200,000 hours worked.



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