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更新 2014-02-24 16:20



• Best-ever performance on multiple EH&S Metrics: A comprehensive set of safety metrics is tracked and performance carefully scrutinized to help make Dow as safe a place to work as possible. We are nearing the ambitious
2015 performance targets on many metrics and two in particular continue to beat 2015 targets, multiple years early.
– 16 Process Safety Incidents, down from 19; beating the goal for the year 2015 (25)
– 0.22 Severe Motor Vehicle Accident rate; beating the goal for the year 2015 (0.28)
• Dow was honored by the National Safety Council (NSC) with the 2012 Green Cross for Safety Medal.
• Dow announced Omega-9 Oils as the Company’s first Breakthrough to World Challenges in the area of health, a key milestone in achieving Dow’s  

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Total_Incident_Rate&Environmental_Performance_PG_2019_Sustainability_Report Lost time injuries, 巴斯夫公司 BASF 2018  EHS performance  report Occupational safety & Environmental 三菱化学控股(MITSUBISHI CHEMICAL HOLDINGS) 安全环境关键绩效 中国化工集团2017企业社会责任报告 HSE management AKZONOBEL CSR Report 2014-2018 PPG-Global Health and Safety Performance-Corporate-Sustainability-Report-2012-2017 Occupational Safety Henkel Sustainability Report 2008-2018 立邦安全 Nippon paint 2019-Maitain Social Safety Involving Logistics- CSR Report
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