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地区 上海
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更新 2012-05-13 21:44


  上海申达股份有限公司在1992年改制成立,同年6月30日发行A股股票, 并于1993年1月7日公开上市交易。申达股份秉承“创造一流”的企业精神,不断进行产业结构调整和转型升级,成功地从一个传统的纺织企业发展成为一个进出口贸易为龙头,产业用纺织品成支柱,房产物业作补充,跨国经营的现代纺织企业。



The Shanghai SHENDA Company Ltd. was founded in 1992 and was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange in 1993. Over almost two decades, SHENDA has developed from a traditional textile manufacturing company to a modern corporation with multinational businesses by keeping working on business transformation and updating. The SHENDA Company is now a major group company with Garments global trading, high-tech textiles manufacturing and marketing as the core businesses.

Garments global trading makes up a large part of the SHENDA Company business, which also covers the sourcing of other goods including fashion accessories, hometextiles, and high-tech textiles. As one of the biggest textile and apparel sourcing service provider in China, SHENDA has set up a big business network of garments manufacturers and international buyers, can provide one-stop service for customers: from garment design and development, through factory sourcing, production planning and management, quality assurance, export documentation to shipping.

High-tech textiles manufacturing and marketing business includes two sections: automobile textile parts and accessories, and new high-tech textile materials.

The automobile textile parts and accessories section consists of more than 10 holding and joint venture companies, manufacturing automobile carpets, interior decorating fabrics and safety belt. As the most important automobile textile parts and accessories supplier of major automobile manufacturers in China, SHENDA has good comprehensive competitive power.

The new high-tech textile materials section is now a quickly growing business of SHENDA, providing compound membrane materials and geotextiles in domestic and overseas markets. And the core company of Shanghai SHENDA-Kobond New Material Co., Ltd is a leading company in China.

In recent years, SHENDA has been growing steadily. In 2010, the SHENDA COMPANY achieved sales of RMB 5.9 billion, made a total profit of RMB 256 million.

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