Sick leave, Corporate responsibility commitments 法国电力公司(éLECTRICITé DE FRANCE)

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更新 2014-02-27 10:49



Sick leave, Corporate responsibility commitments 法国电力公司(éLECTRICITé DE FRANCE)


Why Corporate Responsibility commitments?

Our “Corporate Responsibility” initiative helps strengthen the identity of our group, whose boundaries now reach around the world. While respecting cultural differences, it seeks to bring together specific economic situations, particularities related to the performance of different trades, and the expectations of our stakeholders. Its goal is to link our companies and subsidiaries around shared commitments in order to achieve increased global performance. This is why it is accompanied by measuring and monitoring indicators.
Our stakeholders – customers, citizens, service providers, associations, employees, unions, ratings agencies – expect more transparency on the questions they feel are most important. The formal establishment of commitments that will be subject to annual review seeks to better respond to these expectations.

Making progress

Our Corporate Responsibility initiative is concrete and aims to bring together what our employees do and measure the results. As such, our commitment to fight against energy poverty takes into account the efforts of each sales manager to help customers in difficulty.

Our approach is pragmatic and is part of the group’s industry strategy and commercial goals, which, in setting their direction, take into account the social and environmental concerns of customers, partners, employees, public authorities, and NGOs.

Our Corporate Responsibility initiative will be adaptable in order to respond sustainably to the expectations of the places where we practice our profession, and to strengthen our ambitions. We have, as of today, developed
11 commitments. Others will be made tomorrow.

“By paying more attention to internal and external dialog, we expect a new dynamic, a new impetus, and a renewed commitment from everyone. We expect that the group will achieve positive results in all of the areas covered by this initiative. And we also want this initiative to be seen by our stakeholders as an additional pledge we make in the way we practice our profession, consciously and respectfully.” (Eric Molinié, Assistant Director of Sustainable Development, in charge of ethics and corporate responsibility)

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