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地区 Europe荷兰Netherlands
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更新 2014-04-14 12:00



2012 in review

In 2012, we made energy savings and air emission reductions . Our safety performance continues to be among the best in our industry.



Units 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Recordable injury rate [A] per 200,000 hours worked 0.41 0.45 0.42 0.35 0.23
Process safety incidents [B] number N/A 27 22 7 6
Transportation safety incidents [C] number 11 7 6 6 0
per 1000 deliveries 0.048 0.030 0.025 0.021 N/A
Energy and Greenhouse Gases
Energy consumption Million GJ 363 324 341 339 325
Greenhouse gas
(CO2) equivalent [D]
Million metric tons
23 23 24 24 20
Water Consumption
Water Consumption Million cubic meters N/A 137 153 156 142
Waste disposal
Hazardous Waste [E] Thousand metric tons 1,090 970 1,200 1,170 1,150
Non-hazardous waste [E] Thousand metric tons N/A 1,360 1,190 1,220 1,180
Total waste production [E] Thousand metric tons N/A 2,330 2,390 2,390 2.330
Air Emissions
Sulfur oxide compounds (SOx) [F] [G] [H] Metric Tons 10,300 8,700 7,200 5,400 3,200
Nitrous oxide compounds (NOx) [F] [G] Metric Tons 10,600 9,400 9,200 8,700 8,100
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) Metric Tons 13,300 10,100 9,500 8,700 8,500
Carbon Monoxide [G] Metric Tons N/A 8,200 5,400 4,500 4,300
Particulate matter Metric Tons N/A 2,200 2,500 2,100 1,900
[A] Data includes employees and contractors.
[B] Incident defined as either outdoor release of >500 kg flammables or >50 kg toxic substance, indoor release of >50 kg flammable or >2.5kg toxic substance, or fire and explosion with >$25k damage
[C] Transportation incident meeting LyondellBasell Level 2 reporting criteria, resulting in release of >500 kg flammables or >50 kg toxic substance, or fire and explosion with >$25k damage, or exceedance of regulatory reporting threshold, or recordable injury
[D] 2010 figures revised in 2011 due to improved methodology. Not all administration buildings included
[E] Excludes waste water
[F] Eemission reduction from facility closure in Berre, France
[G] 2011 Berre combustion processes upgrade to burn cleaner fuels
[H] 2011 Jacksonsville divestiture


Measurement and Monitoring

We report on our sustainability performance to many stakeholders including local communities, non-governmental organizations, investors, customers, media and employees. Our performance measurement and reporting is based on operational indicators that are imp0rtant to our business, and also to our assessment of external party interests.
The upgrade and expansion of our management systems has led to some changes in the indicators and definitions that we have used in recent years. Because of this, some data reflects limited historic information, although these data were measured by our legacy companies.
Performance data and reporting is provided only for those sites under LyondellBasell management and operational control.

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