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浏览 782
地区 辽宁大连市
过期 长期有效
更新 2012-11-03 12:45



拥有百年历史的大连橡胶塑料机械股份有限公司是中国橡胶塑料机械行业主导厂和出口基地,中国机械工业500强,2011年全球橡胶机械供应商排序第6位。 公司在行业中率先获得ISO9001质量管理体系认证,是行业中唯一的国家一级计量单位;出口产品获得CE认证,被誉为中国“橡塑机械摇篮”。公司股票于 2001年在上交所公开发行,成为行业内的第一家上市公司。


公司坚持科技兴企,重视产品开发和创新,充分发挥人力资源优势,建有国家级博士后科研工作站,院士专家工作站和高校人才培养基地,成为全国企事业知识产权 试点单位,企业的核心竞争力不断地得到提高。目前公司拥有高、中级技术人员250余人;其中教授级高级工程师10余人,高级工程师80余人;国家有突出贡 献的中青年专家1 人,辽宁省百千万人才工程百人层次6人,千人层次7人;机械工业塑料机械归口所大连塑料机械研究所也座落在公司营城子主厂区,为科技研发提供了高端支持。

公司凭借雄厚的技术实力,瞄准世界先进水平,运用CAD、CAE、CAPP、CAM等先进手段,不断推出高效、精密、高自动化的产品;以数控加工中心为代 表的百余台大型、精密加工设备,保证了高等级橡塑机械产品生产制造的需要;完整的质量保证体系和完备的检测手段,确保了稳定、卓越的产品质量;作为国家 CIMS示范企业,随着信息化建设水平的不断提高和完善,以万兆光纤为骨干的局域网为公司管理提供了快速、安全的信息处理保障;公司坚持在引进、吸收、消 化基础上的再创新,致力于重大技术装备的国产化,多次承担并完成国家重大技术装备的攻关任务,使产品技术水平一直保持与国际同步发展的势头。


公司生产大、重型橡胶塑料机械装备,主要产品包括橡胶(塑料)密炼生产线,橡胶(塑料)压延生产线,一步法混炼工艺及生产线,各种橡胶(塑料)开炼机系 列,橡胶挤出机系列,轮胎成型设备,挤出压延法内衬层生产线,轮胎胎面(胎侧)复合挤出生产线以及适用于生产橡胶、尼龙、钢丝绳输送带的橡胶输送带压延生 产线,大型平板硫化生产线等橡胶通用、专用设备,塑料吹塑薄膜(单层、多层复合、流涎及重包装)机组,塑料双螺杆挤出造粒生产线,石化乙烯工程配套大型塑 料混炼挤压造粒机组,电池膜、碳纤维新材料设备等塑料加工、辅助加工、二次成型加工设备等200多个品种、400多个规格。产品销往全国(包括港、澳、 台)34个省、市、自治区,远销欧、美、亚、澳、非等70多个国家和地区。

DALIAN RUBBER & PLASTICS MACHINERY CO.,LTD., having hundred years' history, is the leading factory and export base in domestic rubber & plastics machinery. Our company enters into Top 500 in machinery industry in China, and ranked the 6th of world rubber machinery suppliers in 2011. It took the lead in having acquired ISO9001 quality system identification as the only factory of national one-grade measuring unit. Their export products have been attested by CE identification. Thus our company got listed successfully in August 2001 and then became the first stock in domestic rubber& plastics machinery.

Our company covers an area of more than 400000mm2, and has formed the domestic layout with three functional areas, including main factory located at Yingchengzi, development and sales center located at Zhoushuizi square as well as machinery manufacturing base located at Changxing island. Meanwhile, since 2010,we have completed overseas acquisitions of Canada MACRO ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY INC. and Czech Buzuluk a.s. to move towards internationalization.

We adhere to promote the development of enterprise, pay great attention to the development and innovation, and make full use of advantages in our human resources to set up national level post-doctor scientific research workstation, academician expert workstation and the personnel training base for Colleges and Universities. Also, our company is a test unit of nation enterprises intellectual property. So the core competitiveness is continuously improved. At present, our company has more than 250 technical persons for developing products, of which 10 professor level senior engineers, 80 senior engineers, 5 winners of special nation allowance, 10 winners of special municipal government allowance, 1 young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contribution, 6 persons in hundred level of Liaoning BaiQianWan Talent Project and 7 persons in thousand level. Moreover, the centralized research institute of plastics machinery, DALIAN PLASTICS MACHINERY RESEARCH INSTITUTE locates in main factory area at Yingchengzi for offering top support in science technology research development.

Our company, which keeps up with world advanced level, increasingly manufactured high efficiency, high precision and high automatization products by advanced means such as CAD, CAPP, in view of solid technical power. Hundreds of heavy and high precision equipments with NC ensure the demand of high-grade rubber & plastics production; complete quality system and perfect examination skills guarantee stable and top quality; as national CIMS model enterprise, management level increasingly improved, with continuously improvement of informationization constructing level; based on sticking to principle of introducing, absorbing and innovation, our company aims at the heavy technical equipments production in domestic, and undertook and accomplished tackle-to-key tasks of national important technical equipments, so that products always keep developing head of other international products. After half century endeavor, our company achieves several honors such as national “labor day” diploma, national prize for enterprise technical improvement, and some honor titles of national “keep honest to contract and credit”; the products got 76 prizes of technical improvements, including 8 items in national level and 37 items in provincial level, and owns 82 patents. Thus our company becomes the cradle of this field, as the front of technical innovation. Also, we are the technology innovation model enterprise in China chemical industry.

At present, we manufacture large/heavy rubber and plastics machinery equipment with the range of nearly 200 sorts and 400 specifications, mainly including rubber & plastics mixer line, rubber & plastics calendaring line, one step mixing technology and line, various series two roll mill, single/twin-screw plastics extruder line, radial tire inner liner production line, tread co-extrusion line, pin cold feeding extruder, one step type steel wire radial tire building machine, conveying belt press machine, single layer/multi-layer co-extrusion blown film line, plastics twin-screw compounding line and large plastics compounding extrusion pelletizing line, new material equipment for battery film and carbon fiber etc. These products are well sold to 34 provinces, cities, and autonomous regions (including Taiwan, Macao and Honkong ) in China as well as 70 countries and regions in Europe, America, Australia and Africa etc.



国家二级安全标准化企业 ,是荣誉更是责任,它要求我们必须高标准,严管理。对不达标项持续改进刻不容缓。



目前,公司安全标准化工作需要完善和整改的地方还有很多,其安全工作形势不容乐观, 各部门应积极做好本部门的安全标准化工作,落实整改情况,不得以任何原因和理由拖延安全标准化工作,努力把大橡塑的安全标准化工作推向一个新的高度,使大 橡塑的安全工作达到一个新的水平,为员工提供更加安心、放心的工作环境。(小单)

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