Aluminized Heat Resistant Helmet
• 产品由镀铝材料制成,并配有镀金压膜面屏,能够有效防护接触热和对流热,辐射热的防护能够达到1000OC,并能保护使用者头部免受高温液态金属飞溅的威胁
• 该产品主要用来配合镀铝隔热服使用,尤其适用在离热源很近和有高温固体或液体飞溅的危险场所
• 适用于钢铁制造、冶金及锻造行业
• The hood has panoramic visor made of gold-coated and replaceable glass
• Designed to work with Aluminized clothing, which protects wearers from accidental
contact with flame, convective and radiant heat and splashes of molten metal
• Radiation heat resistant up to 1000OC
• Suitable for steel, metallurgy and smithing industry