美国纽匹格/NewPig 承重型排水井防护垫 PLR301 Drive-Over DrainBlocker® Drain Cover

价格 1590.00对比
发货 上海
销量 暂无
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独一无二的承重型 DRAINBLOCKER® 排水井防护垫是唯一的承重型保护垫!特有的复合材料把牢固的顶层与超级密封的氨基甲酸乙酯底层连接在一起,顶层能承受频繁踩踏,抗紫外;底层把排水井严实密封,防止漏液流入The toughest drain cover you can buy is the only one that can handle drive-overs - even from heavy tankers. Go ahead and drive over it!

• 防止有害液体流到排水井内,助您达到国际环保标准

• 能承受叉车和重型卡车的碾压

• 外层牢固,不易撕破磨损;底层高度密封且抗化学品

• 放置于排水井上用做长期保护,或妥善储存以应对紧急溢漏状况

• 覆盖排水井时,必须确保保护垫与井口每一边最少重叠 8cm


  • 将保护垫放置于排水井上以防发生液体溢漏,也可用于保护液体溢漏状况多发的区域
  • 适合用于经常发生液体转移,流动或极可能发生溢漏及泄漏地方的排水井的长期保护;无需经常放置、移走井盖或长期封牢排水井
  • 超级密封氨基甲酸乙酯底层紧挨不平整表面,紧实地密封排水井孔,阻止漏液流入
  • 牢固的顶层承受穿刺,耐撕扯、耐磨损,甚至能承受坦克,卡车或铲车的频繁碾压;现在顶层更具9倍多的耐穿刺力及5倍多的耐撕扯力!
  • 抗紫外线,红外线,适用于所有的天气;放置户外不管多久都无需担心它会降解
  • 聚亚氨酯和橡胶材料防水、油及多种化学品
  • 放置于排水井上用做长期保护,或妥善储存用于应对紧急溢漏状况
  • 覆盖排水井时,必须确保保护垫与井口每一边最少重叠 8cm
  • 暗色能隐藏灰尘和污垢
  • 还用其他型号供您选择!
  • 注意事项:若长期暴露于特定的环境条件,如温度、湿度及紫外线辐射,柔软的氨基甲酸乙酯底面的物理特性可能发生改变。 使 用寿命通常为 5 年。 请定期检查保护垫,以确保其可用性。 请联络您的本地分销商,以获知更多信息和化学相容性资讯。 为发挥产品的最佳性能,请确保排水井周围没有碎屑、裂缝及孔洞。


  • Patented design is the only cover tough enough to handle drive-overs - even from heavy tankers. only from New Pig
  • Ideal for long-term drain protection wher liquid transfers, washdowns or other leak- and spill-prone jobs are common
  • Eliminates the need to frequently deploy and remove a temporary cover or permanently seal your drains
  • Tough, patented-rubber HogHyde Skin stands up to punctures, tearing and abrasion, even under heavy vehicle traffic from tankers, trucks or forklifts
  • Super-sealing urethane bottom layer conforms to uneven surfaces and tightly seals drain openings to block liquid
  • Also withstands UV rays, infrared light and all weather conditions; keep outdoors as long as needed without worrying about degradation
  • Polyurethane and rubber materials resist water, oils and many chemicals
  • Leave down as preventive measure or store for emergency response
  • Need a custom size? Call 1-800-HOT-HOGS (468-4647)


40 CFR 112.7 - SPCC planning requirements state that facilities subject to these regulations must have written plans in place discussing the products, countermeasures and procedures that are in place, or will be taken by the facility to prevent discharge of oil into waters of the United States.

40 CFR 122.26 - When applying for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, facilities must have a plan in place that describes actions, procedures, control techniques, management practices and equipment available to prevent illegal discharge of pollutants into waterways.

  • Urethane Notice
    Due to the nature of softer urethane, the physical properties of these products may change over time with exposure to certain environmental conditions like temperature, humidity, and UV radiation. Typical life expectancy is 5 years. Please inspect the stored product regularly to ensure it is in a usable state. For more details and for chemical compatibility, please call Technical Services.



顶层- 黑色; 底层-蓝色



61cm 宽 x 61cm 长 x 1cm 厚








New Pig专利:







顶层:橡胶;底层: 氨基甲酸乙酯

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