NewPig 标准组合防溢平台 - 聚乙烯 PAK524 Poly Modular Spill Deck 纽匹格
专利单桶标准组合防溢平台增加了污水容量。Our modular design lets you create a custom drum storage area with enough sump capacity to comply with containment regs.
- 单桶部分可负载680公斤UDL
- 42L污水容量
- 由100%聚乙烯制成
- 平台抗紫外线、防锈、防腐蚀,可抗多数化学品
- 15cm标准平台特有的隔板装置可连接各段平台
- 根据您需要的污水容量来组合和搭配平台
- 隔板装置专利设计使平台各段的连接变得容易(含所有硬件)
- 可接住漏液(泄漏、滴漏及溢漏),使地板保持清洁安全,效果优于木制托盘
- 防滑格栅在重压下不会破裂,提起后可轻松存取污水箱
- “畅行”污水箱专利设计可让液体从一个污水箱流往另一个污水箱,以分担负载
- Patented "flow-through" sump design lets liquid pass freely from one sump to another to help you comply with containment regulations
- Modular design features exclusive bulkhead fittings and predrilled ports to connect to other decks; ready to use as soon as they arrive
- Mix and match the sections you need to fit your space and help meet sump capacity requirements
- Special tools and hardware to connect sections is included with each system
- Low-profile 5.75"H design is easy to load or unload; pumps and funnels are easy to access
- Textured grating adds traction and lifts out for easy sump access
- Translucent white sidewalls allow easy visual inspection
- We test all of our PIG Containment Deck designs at max load for months to ensure they can handle full capacity at your facility
40 CFR 112.7 - SPCC planning requirements state that facilities subject to these regulations must have written plans in place discussing the products, countermeasures and procedures that are in place, or will be taken by the facility to prevent discharge of oil into waters of the United States.
40 CFR 122.26 - When applying for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, facilities must have a plan in place that describes actions, procedures, control techniques, management practices and equipment available to prevent illegal discharge of pollutants into waterways.
40 CFR 264.175 - Hazardous waste containment systems must be free of structural cracks or gaps, be designed to keep spilled liquids from remaining in contact with the container, prevent run-on and "have sufficient capacity to contain 10% of the volume of the containers, or the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater."
- Flammables Notice
If using this product with flammable liquids, please consider the regulations that apply to storage and handling of flammable liquids and the safety of this application, specifically flammable vapors, static discharge and heat sources. For further assistance, please call Technical Services.
66cm宽 x 66cm长 x 15cm高
680kg 负载能力
42L 污水容量
New Pig 专利:
污水箱 - 抗紫外线线状低密度聚乙烯
格栅 - 注塑聚乙烯
1 - PIG® 螺塞组件,1 - PIG® 聚乙烯隔板装置,1 - 60cm x 60cm x 6.7cm 格栅,1 - T型条, 1 - 扳手, 1 - 操作说明书