PIG® 聚乙烯盛漏托盘可接住泄漏、滴漏及溢漏,保持地板干爽,工人安全。盛漏托盘控制圆桶存放区内的液体,使地板保持干燥安全
- 2,722kg UDL负载能力足以支撑四只满载钢桶或聚乙烯桶
- 双向叉车口可向任一方向轻松移动圆桶(只限已卸载)
- 250 升污水箱可围堵漏液(泄漏、滴漏及溢漏), 保持存放区清洁、安全
- 25cm的高度使得圆桶装卸更省力,桶顶更伸手可及
- 紧凑的空间设计减少圆桶储存所占面积
- 低密度聚乙烯结构可长期抗紫外线、防锈、防腐蚀,抗多数化学品
- 防滑格栅在重压下不会破裂,提起后可轻松存取污水箱
- 无需移动圆桶或格栅,可选排污螺塞就可让你方便地排空污水箱
- 嵌套设计使托盘在不使用时可以堆着放,节省空间;降低散装运输成本;
- 黑色可隐藏托盘污垢,使托盘保持整洁的外观
- 注:如果在易燃液体的处理中使用本产品,请遵守有关储存和装卸易燃液体的安全规章守则,尤其是要考虑到易燃蒸汽,静电放电和热源的影响。
- The strongest standard pallet you can buy for everyday drum storage
- 6,000-lb. UDL capacity is strong enough to support four fully loaded steel or poly drums
- Low 10" height means loading and unloading require less effort and drum tops are within easier reach
- Molded-in sump catches leaks, drips and spills to help you comply with regulations and keep your storage areas clean and safe
- Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) construction resists UV rays, rust, corrosion and most chemicals
- Textured grating adds traction and lifts out for easy sump access
- 2-way forklift entry allows easy movement from either direction (unloaded only)
- Nestable design permits stacking when not in use; lowers cost of bulk shipping
- Compact footprint reduces floor space needed for drum storage
- Optional drain plug lets you empty sump without removing drums or grating
- We test all of our PIG Containment Pallet designs at max load for months to ensure they can handle full capacity at your facility
Additional Information
- Product Data Sheet (PDS)
- Chemical Compatibility for LDPE Products
40 CFR 112.7 - SPCC planning requirements state that facilities subject to these regulations must have written plans in place discussing the products, countermeasures and procedures that are in place, or will be taken by the facility to prevent discharge of oil into waters of the United States.
40 CFR 122.26 - When applying for a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, facilities must have a plan in place that describes actions, procedures, control techniques, management practices and equipment available to prevent illegal discharge of pollutants into waterways.
40 CFR 264.175 - Hazardous waste containment systems must be free of structural cracks or gaps, be designed to keep spilled liquids from remaining in contact with the container, prevent run-on and "have sufficient capacity to contain 10% of the volume of the containers, or the volume of the largest container, whichever is greater."
- Flammables Notice
If using this product with flammable liquids, please consider the regulations that apply to storage and handling of flammable liquids and the safety of this application, specifically flammable vapors, static discharge and heat sources. For further assistance, please call Technical Services.
130cm宽 x 130cm长 x 25cm高
2722kg UDL 负载能力
250L 污水容量
122cm 宽 x 122cm 长
36.3 kg
100% 抗紫外线聚乙烯(低密度聚乙烯)