Newpig 76L泄漏应急套桶 – KIT311 防化学型 HazMat Spill Kit in 20-Gallon Overpack Salvage Drum

价格 2195.00对比
发货 上海
销量 暂无
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用PIG®防化学防溢组件吸收酸和碱 Strong enough to earn a UN rating for shipping chemical spill cleanup waste.


  • 防化学组件——用于吸收酸、碱和未知液体的PIG® 产品
  • 吸收剂经特殊处理可更快地吸收更多化学液体——包括98%硫酸及30%氢氧化钠等高浓度腐蚀性液体
  • 76LX-级标准的聚乙烯泄漏应急套桶可抗化学品、防水,最大承重能力为75kg
  • 吸收剂装于有盖的防护衬垫中,可长期防止紫外线降解;内容物摆放整齐有序,快速应对溢漏的发生
  • 套桶可抗紫外线,因此也可用于户外存放
  • 内容物分门别类,可快速有效应对溢漏情况的发生
  • 空套桶被联合国指定为低成本运送已使用吸收剂的容器
  • 套桶符合包装种类一、二、三类的 X 级标准,经认证可用于在清理完 成后通过陆运、海运、铁路运输运送 垃圾
  • 半圈转体防渗漏带凹槽的桶盖,只需用小棍即可轻松取下或拧紧
  • 最大吸收量 40.9 L


  • Comply with Spill Plan regs, avoid fines and be ready to respond with the #1 kit for chemical spills
  • Overpack drum container is UN Rated for shipping waste after spill cleanup
  • Neatly prepacked container speeds access during a spill emergency
  • PIG HazMat Socks stop spreading spills; PIG HazMat Pads and Pillows absorb quickly
  • PIG HazMat Absorbents are specially treated for unsurpassed performance with concentrated corrosives, such as 98% sulfuric acid and 30% sodium hydroxide
  • Overpack is X-rated in Packing Groups I, II and III for shipping spill cleanup waste by land, sea or rail
  • Lightweight, 100% copolymer container resists chemicals and keeps contents clean and dry
  • Leakproof, twist-on lid is notched for easy removal or tightening with a 2x4 or pole
  • Large, color-coded label makes identification fast and accurate
  • Ledges molded into container make kit easy to move by forklift
  • Tamperproof seals help prevent pilfering of spill response supplies
  • Note: A PIG Overpack Protection Cover (available separately) is suggested for outdoor storage to protect container from UV degradation an
  • only PIG Spill Kits feature PIG HazMat Absorbents that handle highly concentrated corrosives better than any other absorbent on the market
  • For information on custom spill kits, just call 1-800-HOT-HOGS (468-4647)

29 CFR 1910.120(j)(1)(vii) - OSHA's HAZWOPER standard requires spill responders to have, "DOT specified salvage drums or containers and suitable quantities of proper absorbents," in areas wher spills may occur.

40 CFR 263.30(a) - In the event of a spill, transporters must, "take appropriate immediate action to protect human health and the environment."

40 CFR 263.31 - Transporters, "must clean up any hazardous waste discharge that occurs during transportation…so that the hazardous waste discharge no longer presents a hazard to human health or the environment."

49 CFR 173.3(c)(1) - If a container of hazardous waste is damaged or leaking, it can be placed in a compatible salvage drum that meets UN criteria for shipping.

  • HAZ-MAT Notice
    To ensure effectiveness and your safety, we recommend that you conduct compatibility and absorption testing of your chemicals with PIG® HAZ-MAT products prior to purchase. 



最大吸收量 40.9L



(外围) 48cm 高 x 57cm 直径






12.66 kg






套桶 - 聚乙烯; 吸污垫、条形吸袋和枕垫 - 聚丙烯



6 个 8cm x 117cm 条形吸污袋 • 6 片 38cm x 51cm PIG® 重量型吸污垫 • 5 个 41cm x 43cm 防化学枕形吸污垫 • 5 个临时处理袋与系带 • 6 个防撬标签,1本紧急情况应对指南



我们建议您在购买 PIG® 防化学垫类产品前,测试该产品与您使用的化学品的相 容性和吸收效果。



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