

恩国环保是一家国际著名的环保技术公司,从事挥发性有机废气(VOCs)。 创立于美国密尔沃基市,初期致力于能源回收系统。公司拥有超过一万平方米的工厂及流水线,用于环保系统的制作安装。 同时在欧洲、亚洲也设有工厂,所有生产过程均要经过严格的监督,以保证所有系统均达到恩国标准。恩国的主要业务是针对工业挥发性有机废气(VOCs),危害性气体(HAPs),工艺中的氮氧化物(NOx)进行治理。恩国的核心技术包括一整套先进的蓄热式焚烧炉(RTO)、蓄热式催化式焚烧炉(RCO)、直燃炉(DFTO)、浓缩转轮(Zeolite Concentrator Wheel)焚烧炉系统、清洗系统和不同款式的热能回收设备等。至今在全球已有超过1700成功安装、安全运行的实绩,成功解决了绝大多数工业生产过程中排放的污染气体,其广泛的应用领域及多样性的技术解决方案,使公司积累了丰富的行业经验,也使我们有信心去完成和解决更多的空气污染问题。恩国拥有众多跨行业资深工程师,并攻克许多空气污染治理难题,是著名的行业创新者。 


Anguil Environmental Systems, Inc. is an air pollution control and energy recovery system provider headquartered in Milwaukee, Wisconsin U.S.A. with offices in Europe and Asia as well as an extensive network of agents located domestically and throughout the world. Over the past three decades, Anguil has developed a breadth of abatement technologies that control harmful and regulated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs), process odors, Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) . The result is over 1,700 installations around the world encompassing a wide range of applications and technology solutions. This experience provides Anguil with the confidence to assess and resolve nearly any industrial pollution issues. 

The company's ability to provide multiple abatement technologies places them in a position to select the correct technology to fit each project.  Potential customers can expect an unbiased equipment selection based on the destruction requirements, efficiency needs and process parameters.  The solution will include a turnkey system that seamlessly integrates into the specific process, providing customers with single source responsibility.



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