
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 1257
发货 天津
过期 长期有效
更新 2012-02-09 20:36


Occupation and Health is a semimonthly Journal, which is recognized as an excellent journal among the journal series of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association. It is sponsored by Chinese Preventive Medicine Association and Tianjin Centers for Disease Control and Prevention with the assistance of All-China Federation of Trade Unions, Research Center for Safety Science of the State Administration of Work Safety and Suzhou Center for Disease Control and Prevention. It is a large and comprehensive journal of medical science distributed both at home and abroad. It has been collected by China Science and Technology Statistics Source Journal (China Science and Technology Core Journals), Chinese Journal Full-Length Database (CJFD), American Chemical Abstracts(CA) and the Wanfang-Digital Journal Group, etc. It is an all-round medical journal centered by occupational medicine, preventive medicine, health care and basic medicine. The main task of the journal is to reflect and exchange the experimental and clinical experiences in occupational health, occupational diseases prevention and control and health care with a feature of combining both academic research and practicality. It is an all-round medical journal distributed both at home and abroad. 
We welcome the contributions in the following fields: basic study of the effect of occupational and environmental hazards on human bodies; survey of occupational epidemiology and labor hygiene on site; clinical analysis, new therapies, case report and discussions of occupational diseases; emergency salvage, medical care and first aid of chemical poisonings; industrial hygienic administration, hygienic standard, hygienic toxicology study and supervision technology of the environmental hazardous elements; labor protection engineering technology and evaluation; hygienic administration and study; investigation and study of occupation-related diseases and new hazardous elements; food safety and nutrition; school sanitation; rural sanitation, community sanitation, etc. Address: 76, Hualong Road, Hedong District, Tianjin. 
Postalcode: 300011  

主 任委 员:王撷秀   张印德 
副主任委员:王延让   刘克俭  张  军   冯鹤鸣 
委      员:(以拼音字母为序) 
ChenSHEng Lu(美国)    Fanqing Chen(美国)    Jane Zhu(美国)   Shilu Tong(澳大利亚) 
白  莹  陈  亮  陈  敏  陈庚辰  陈美霞(台湾)  陈先锋  
程金霞  程良保  慈捷元  代建云  单宝荣  丁建清  丁克颖  
范  光  范家林  范晓晔  范亚明  冯鹤鸣  冯建良  傅  华  
高  扬  高海青  葛大放  顾  清  顾秀英  管太华  胡达敏  
胡晓抒  华署虹  黄惠敏  黄先青  吉俊敏  贾晓东  菅向东  
江国虹  姜方平  姜金华  姜民生  金振国  康美玉  李  涛  
李俊杰  李文勇  梁道康  林韶冰  刘  杰  刘  义  刘  茁  
刘长庚  刘洪亮  刘淮玉  刘锦秋  刘克明  刘树春  卢  伟  
鲁桂根  陆丽敏  马永谦  牛  桥  牛建军  彭四盟  彭文彬  
齐金彦  钱少锋  沈  逸  沈惠平  施  健  施卫祖  史有松  
宋为丽  孙国祥  泰  宏  谭南圃  汤忆眉  汪  华  王  生  
王凤山  王洪达  王建红  王丽华  王西栋  王咸钢  王撷秀  
王栩东  王延让  王烨源  王正芳  韦其明  夏昭林  肖  卫  
熊文辉  徐瑞芳  徐新云  严  阵  杨泽云  叶明宪  于咏梅  
俞太念  张  兵  张  宏  张  军  张  雷  张  磊  张  幸  
张成富  张东辉  张恒东  张建设  张敬平  张贻瑞  张印德  
张裕曾  张之仑  赵金垣  郑耀群  钟茂华  周  冰  周维新  
周学勤  周子荣  朱宝立  朱建全  朱小予  朱燕群  邹昌琪  

蔡荣泰  陈锦治  戴志澄  傅慰祖  高玉芝  顾见青  侯慎行  
胡天赐  黄财林  黄金祥  黄萍萍  黄永昌  贾春颖  贾明山  
金炯林  况  丹  李  蕙  李德鸿  李文勇  梁友信  刘  玮  
刘黛丽  刘淑英  刘铁民  刘卓宝  毛福英  庞作章  乔赐彬  
史志澄  孙晓楼  孙彦文  唐世树  田凤华  田惠光  汪国华  
王  莹  王茜丽  王世俊  王叔淳  王簃兰  王援相  王子卿  
徐德先  薛汉麟  薛寿征  杨  磊  杨建蒲  杨锦蓉  姚正鸣  
苑淑玲  张  愚  张东辉  张家喜  张祥春  张晓琴  张秀芬  
赵金垣  周  烨  周安寿  周良瑶  周啟栋  邹昌琪   
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