Air Systems Auto-Air™ Portables

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发货 USAVirginia
过期 长期有效
更新 2013-02-18 17:26

 We are an ISO 9001 manufacturer of safety equipment for Industrial, Construction, Government, Military Defense, Fire / Rescue, Hazmat & Emergency Response applications. We are totally committed to our Air Systems Internationalcustomer's needs and special job applications. We have always taken great pride in being responsive to the environmental concerns of our equipment users. The products we manufacture have been developed out of a specific need or desire to perform work more safely and with greater productivity. We will always continue to respond to the demands and innovative ideas of our most valued asset...

Auto-Air™ Portables


What is an Auto-Air System?

If IDLH work environments exist, the the Auto-Air™ Breather Box™ option should be considered. The Auto-Air™ filtration system was developed to provide Grade-D breathing air with full automatic reserve air in the event of either electrical failure or reduced pressure from the main air source while working in hazardous environments. Reserve air activation occurs a 60psi and/or loss of electrical supply, the system automatically switches to the reserve air cylinder(s). Local and optional remote alarms signal the workers that the primary air system has failed and has switched to the back-up air system. The Auto-Air™ feature is offered in electric or pneumatic versions. Note: IDLH conditions require the use of a pressure demand respirator with at least a 5 minute escape cylinder. For technical questions, contact Air Systems' Customer Service Department.aa box close


NIOSH requires the use of 5 minute airline escape respirators when working in IDLH environments. Our Auto-Air™ feature does not replace the NIOSH requirement, however, some work environments may require a 30 minute or longer airline escape method to safely egress the hazardous area. This situation would require the use of an Auto-Air Breather Box™ or Cart.


Auto Air Breather Box

The primary air line connection is attached from the compressor to the Auto-Air™ Breather Box™. A reserve air line is attached from a single or bank of air cylinders based on the required egress duration. The system can be tested prior to each use to ensure 

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