General Equipment Company, Manufacturer of light construction equipment for rental, utility, municip

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浏览 343
发货 USAMinnesota
过期 长期有效
更新 2013-02-24 11:10

The industry's most complete line of confined space and positive pressure type ventilation products designed for use in non-hazardous and hazardous locations. Choose from AC and DC electric, gasoline or diesel power sources along with a complete line of ducts and related storage accessories.

The industry's most innovative and productive line of surface preparation equipment, including surface planers, single and dual head surface grinders, high speed diamond grinders, random crack saws, floor covering strippers and pneumatically powered demolition tools. Choose from electric, pneumatic and gasoline power sources along with a wide variety of job specific attachments and accessories.

The most respected line of portable and mobile hole digging equipment available to the construction marketplace, includes one and two-man, hand-held Hole Diggers, the hydraulically powered and towable 660 DIG-R-MOBILE, a wide variety of earth auger product lines up to 36 inch diameter and the hydraulically powered DIG-R-TACH auger attachments designed for use with skid loaders, tractor loader backhoes and other power sources.
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