HNU Service
PID Analyzers, LLC, provides service as well as customer support for hnu, hnu systems, Process Analyzers and PID Analyzers' instruments. If you have service questions, need to calibrate your PIDs, GCs, or get annual maintenance and service contracts you may contact us via E-mail or telephone.
For customers requiring 101/102 service please email: and we will return your request as soon as possible. Please familiarize yourself with our service links below. Whether you have questions about troubleshooting your 101, calibration with an alternate gas, or return authorization, these links should help you find your answer.
If you are sending in your unit for cleaning and calibration, please look at our RA Checklist to make sure that you include all components needed to diagnose and repair your instruments. If you have any questions regarding packaging and shipping address you will find this information there. Likewise, you may fill out our online return authorization form for fastest service.
When we recieve your instrument, we will fax to you a repair estimate. No work will be performed until this repair estimate has been approved by you. If the repair estimate is declined we will charge a one time evaluation fee of $95.
For information regarding service for your HNU, contact the service department at
Manuals for PID Analyzers, LLC, are available for all of our instruments for purchase for $50. Please email us at if you wish to purchase a manual for our instruments.
We provide at no charge out quickstart manuals for the Model PI, DL, and ISPI 101. These should familiarize yourself with the operation of our 101s. For a comphrensive manual, you will need to purchase the manual from us.
Please note that these are pdf files approximately 2 mbs.
Portable Products
Model 102+
Model 312
Continuous Products
Select a product for more information
Model 112
Model 201-Bplus
Model 202
Model 204
Model 301-C
Model 1000
Laboratory Products
- Model FUV54
Model TC55 -
Model FP56
Model 312