Air Quality, Pollution & Odor Control Systems
A complete line of Duall and Bio-Reaction® brand corrosion resistant, custom engineered solutions to help eliminate hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), water contamination, and process odors.

Dust Collectors & Product Recovery
Duall and Flex-Kleen® brand wet and dry dust collector and product recovery solutions that have successfully met the most demanding technical challenges of industry for more than 50 years.

VOC Control Systems
Bio-Reaction® and Systems brand catalytic, thermal and biological solutions for removing or reducing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other atmospheric pollutants from a variety of industrial processes.

Aftermarket Parts & Service
An experienced single source for parts, service and maintenance of all your pollution control equipment, regardless of the manufacturer.
Bio-Reaction®, Duall, Flex-Kleen® and Met-Pro Systems are now Met-Pro Environmental Air Solutions. For decades, these businesses have provided innovative solutions and a diverse line of products and technologies for the collection of particulates, the purification of air, and the destruction of VOCs. In 2011, a new subsidiary was establiSHEd in South America, Met-Pro Chile Limitada, to improve our competitive profile throughout that rapidly industrializing market. As one organization, we provide complete single source solutions to all of your air pollution control needs.
Solutions & Products
Our solutions and products include Bio-Reaction® bio-oxidation systems for VOC and odor control; Duall chemical and biological odor control, degasification and carbon adsorption systems; Flex-Kleen® product recovery and dust collection systems including HEPA filtration; and Met-Pro Systems thermal and catalytic oxidation equipment.
Markets Served
Major markets include metal finishing, municipal odor control, chemical, petrochemical, plastics, food, dairy, bulk material handling, nuisance dust control, paint and pigments, minerals and clay, cement and rock products, coal and fly ash, ethanol, landfill gas, wood products, animal processing and pharmaceutical industries.