Slipnot Metal Safety Flooring, Metal Flooring Products | SlipNOT®

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浏览 362
发货 USAMichigan
过期 长期有效
更新 2013-03-07 11:44


Aluminum Planks

Diamond Plate

Drain Covers

Expanded Metal

Expansion Joint Covers

Floor Plate

Floor Scales



Ladder Rungs

Ladder Rung Covers

Perforated Plate

Road Plates

Custom Applications

Stair Nosing

Stair Treads & Covers

Vault Covers


SlipNOT® Metal Safety Flooring products have been an integral part of the aerospace industry for many years, protecting workers and pedestrians from slip and fall accidents.


Metals and Mining

Safety is vital in the demanding, high traffic setting of the metals and mining industry, SlipNOT® provides durable and rugged solutions that meet these needs.



Manufacturing facilities worldwide rely on SlipNOT® Metal Safety Flooring products to protect employees, improve productivity and minimize costly workers compensation expenses.

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