For your information that there is an EHS Seminar in Guangzhou organized by the South China Environmental and Safety Management Association (SCESMA) on 20th January. For details please see the attached flyer.
You may want to forward to your friends or colleagues in south China in case they are interested.
Thank you very much!!!
Seminar on Latest Regulatory Development in Guangdong and China –
Technical Visit of T.I.T Creative Park in Guangzhou危险废物、化学品管理及职业病预防
- 中国及广东地區法规最新动态研讨会 T.I.T创意园技术考察
Date日期 : 20th January, 2017 (Friday) 2017年1月20日 (星期五) 時間: 9:30 – 15:30 會場: T.I.T Creative Park/T.I.T创意园,广州新港中路397号. 潮庭精工
In recent years, businesses in Guangdong and China are facing similar challenges in the environmental, health and safety fronts. Some of these are related to the regulatory challenges, their enforcement or simply the increasing demand but the decreasing handling abilities. In order to explore the latest development, benchmark practices of different businesses and brainstorm the ways in managing these challenges, a 1-day seminar is organized in Guangzhou for EHS professionals and practitioners to learn. We will also take the opportunity to visit the T.I.T Creative Park, a new venture in Guangzhou that may also enlighten our vision to the future. All members of South China Environmental and Safety Management Association (SCESMA) are cordially invited to join.
Seminar on Latest Regulatory Development in Guangdong and China –
Technical Visit of T.I.T Creative Park in Guangzhou危险废物、化学品管理及职业病预防
Fees: RMB300 per person for lunch and seminar venue. (Maximum of 30 persons for the event.)
- 中国及广东地區法规最新动态研讨会
暨广州 T.I.T创意园技术考察 Time時間 |
Topic 主題 |
09:30 - 09:45 |
Registration 註冊 |
09:45 - 10:00 |
Challenges of Latest EHS Regulatory Environment in Guangdong and China, Mr. Lam Wan Choi, Chairman of SCESMA中国及广东地区面临最新环境、健康及安全相关法规的趋势和挑战,林运财先生 ,华南环境及安全管理协会主席 |
10:00 – 10:45 |
Revision of the Hazardous Waste Regulations in 2016, Dr. Michael Liang, Managing Director of ESD危险废物相关法规 2016年修订版解读,梁兢博士,ESD 总监 |
10:45 - 11:00 |
Tea Break 茶歇 |
11:00 – 11:40 |
Implementation and Enforcement of Law on the Prevention and Control of Occupational Diseases, To Be Determined, Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) |
职业病预防与控制 -法律法规的实施与推行,美国注册工业卫生工程师 |
11:40 – 12:20 |
Chemical Control and Management in Manufacturing Industry, Dr. Michael Liang, Managing Director of ESD化学品管控在制造企业中的现状,梁兢博士, ESD 总监 |
12:20 – 12:40 |
Presentation by T.I.T on the Creative Park in Guangzhou 广州 T.I.T创意园介绍 |
12:40 – 14:15 |
Lunch at 午餐 潮庭精工 |
14:15 – 15:30 |
Technical Visit and Tour of T.I.T. Creative Park 广州 T.I.T创意园技术考察 |