防御性驾驶培训研讨会 2018年1月11日~12日 深圳

单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 947
发货 上海
过期 长期有效
更新 2017-11-15 18:49





为什么需要此课程Why you need the workshop?

世界卫生组织的研究表明,道路交通事故已成为15-29岁人群的主要死亡原因。世界卫生组织预测,如果不采取行动, 2030年时道路交通事故将成为第七大死亡原因。据国家统计局数据,2015年,我国每10万人汽车交通事故受伤人数平均为9.7人,死亡人数平均为3.1人。每1千名汽车驾驶员发生1起交通事故中(按每起交通事故涉及2名汽车驾驶员估数)。Road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among people aged between 15 and 29 years. WHO predicts that road traffic crash will become the seventh leading cause of death by 2030 without sustained action. According to National Bureau of Statistics, in China in year 2015, 9.7 persons were injured in vehicle accident and 3.1 persons dead per 100,000 population. Average 1000 licensed drivers occurred 1 car accident (2 drivers are assumed involved in one accident).


据研究,90%的道路交通事故是可以预防的,预防道路交通事故的最有效工具就是防御性驾驶。防御性驾驶指的是驾驶员在驾驶过程中,能够准确的预见由其他道路使用者、不良气候或路况而引发的危险,并能及时地采取必要的、合理的、有效的措施防止事故发生。Over 90% road traffic accidents could be preventable. The best effective tool to prevent road traffic accident is defensive driving. When driving, driver can see proper hazards associated with other road users, bad atmospheres or road condition, and take necessary, reasonable and effective actions to avoid accident. Such kind of method is defensive driving.

     本课程将分享如何进行防御性驾驶以及如何在公司推广防御性驾驶行动。The workshop will share with delegates on defensive driving skills and on how to implement defensive divining program in the company.


课程简介Workshop introduction


-          学会防御性驾驶

-          学会在公司推动防御性驾驶项目

      The workshop will share causes of road traffic accidents, safety components of various traffic tools, characters of different roads, characters of various road users, cognition capabilities of human, and road safety skills in tough atmosphere. The workshop arranges competitions and exercise to help the delegates learn:

l  Defensive driving skills

Implement defensive driving program in the company.

培训形式Form of the workshop

培训以竞赛、游戏、个人练习、团队展演、个人展演和小组讨论等形式进行。Workshop will be delivered through competitions, games, individual exercises, group presentation, individual presentation and panel discussions.


该培训将帮助您达到什么目标:This workshop will enable the delegates:

-          学会防御性驾驶以预防道路交通事故

-          学会在公司推动防御性驾驶项目以预防道路交通事故

-         Learn defensive driving skills to prevent road traffic accidents

Implement defensive driving program in the company to prevent road traffic accidents.


第一天 Day one

第一节 交通事故统计与致因

Section one, statistics and causes of road traffic accidents

l  交通事故统计Statistics of road traffic accidents

l  致因Causes of road traffic accidents



第二节 交通法规

Section two, traffic laws and regulations

l 禁止的行为Prohibited driving behaviours

l 道路优先权Right of way

l 竞赛:路标Competition: road markings



第三节 认识你自己

Section three, know yourself

l 响应能力Response capabilities

l 注意力Attention

l 酒精和药物影响Alcohol and drugs

l 疲劳Fatigues

l 路怒Aggressive Driving


第四节 认识你的车

Section four, know your car

l  Lamp

l  后视镜与盲点Mirrors and blind spots

l  刹车系统Brake system

l  安全带 (碰撞的三个阶段) Safety belt 3 stages of a collision

l  气囊Air bag

l  轮胎Tires



第五节 道路road

l 道路标线Lane markings

l 各种道路类型特点characters of various road


第六节 认识道路的其他用户

Section six, know other road users

l 其他车辆:客车、货车、摩托车、电动车、单车 Other vehicles: bustruckmotorcycleelectrocarbicycle

l 特殊车辆:救护车、消防车等Special vehicles: ambulance, fire engine

l 行人(儿童)Pedestrians (child)

l 动物Animals

l 碰瓷者Accident faker


第七节 计划行车路线

Section seven, plan the trip

l 安排行车时间Decide trip period

l 计划途径点(停车点)Plan the route (parking lot)

l 使用导航系统Use navigational system


第八节 开车前检查Section eight, pre-trip inspection

l POWER NUMBER检查法POWER NUMBER inspection method

l 人的自查Check yourself

l Shoes


第二天Day two


第一节    防御性驾驶公式

Section one, defensive driving formula

l  防御性驾驶公式Defensive driving formula

l  5条规则5 rules


第二节    起步

Section two, Start the car

l  安全带Fasten seal belt

l  起步方法Method to start the car


第三节    行进

Section three, driving

l  跟车距离Following distance

l  控制速度Speed

l  变道Change lane

l  超车Passing

l  弯道Curve

l  隧道行车Drive in tunnel

l  交叉路口Intersection

l  红绿灯Traffic lights

l  路遇特殊车辆Encounter special vehicles

l  堵车Traffic jam

l  六不跟Rest en route

l  应对路怒族Handle aggressive driving

l  路边下客Drop off at roadside



第四节    停车

Section four, park your car

l 停车场停车Park at parking lot

l 坡道停车Park at ramp



第五节    紧急情况

Section five, emergency

l 爆胎Flat tires


第六节    恶劣天气

Section six, bad atmosphere

l Raining

l Snow

l Smog

l 阳光Strong sunshine

l 夜晚Night


第七节    公司内推行防护性驾驶

Section seven, implement defensive driving program in the company

l 车辆管理(内部或租用)Vehicles management (owned or rented)

l 司机管理(内部或承包商)Drivers management (employed or 3 party)

l 货物要求Goods management

l 路线规划设计与管理Routes design and management


报名联系 zixun@ehscity.com 021-31608131

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