Ingersoll-Rand EHS Manager

放大字体  缩小字体 2012-11-09 373
行业 机械•重工 职位 机械•重工
招聘部门 EHS 招聘人数 1人
工作地区 上海 工作性质 全职
性别要求 不限 婚姻要求 不限
学历要求 本科 工作经验 8年以上
年龄要求 30岁以上 待遇水平 面议
更新日期 2012-11-09 有效期至 长期有效

1. Be responsibility for the development, implementation and continuous improvement of the comprehensive Environment, Safety and Health (EHS) programs

2. Provides advice and guidance to services and project teams regarding current and anticipated EHS issues, requiring knowledge of and experience with EHS regulations/legislation in China.

3. Works with our services and project teams to ensure that all service activities are in compliance with applicable local regulatory and ITS policies.

4. Manages EHS data collection programs at the subject operations, including metrics and monthly Key Process Indicators (KPI), and coordinates and ensures the quality of these programs. Collects information from operations as required to meet Corporate and Government reporting requirements in addition to ensuring a uniform level of performance. Prepare monthly report to ITSC EHS director and Value Center EHS director based on the collected information.

5. Assists service LEADER in managing development of training programs and monitors training program performance to ensure that all required training is performed. Provides train the trainer courses to site EHS staff and, as appropriate. Provide all training to affected employees at certain operations and ensure effectiveness.

6. Conducts investigation with site EHS coordinator, as applicable, for any significant EHS events, including injuries, accidents and near misses. Due to the small size of some of the operations, the candidate will be responsible for hands-on investigation, determination of root cause and development of corrective actions at certain operations.

7. Be responsibility for the ITS EHS Audit Program at the operations.

8. Assists the Service LEADER with environmental surveys associated to property transactions.

1. Bachelor degree in environmental protection, safety engineering, industrial hygiene or related disciplines.

2. 8 years experience in EHS management and EHS in field service activities

3. Familiar with Chinas EHS regulations/legislation and current scientific knowledge regarding

4. Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

5. Excellent leadership, program, project management skills.

6. Strong English proficiency.

  英格索兰公司是一家总部位于美国的、年收入达到170亿美元的全球性多元化工业企业,在气温控制、空调和采暖、工业以及安防市场,我们的员工和业务部门都致力于推动我们的客户不断向前发展。为了满足发达国家和发展中国家日益增长的需求,这些市场也在持续不断地扩大。我们提供的产品、系统和解决方案用于提高工业、商业运营和家庭住宅的效率和生产率,改善全球大众生活的安防、安全、健康和舒适。这种多元化的经营为我们的员工提供了很多职业发展机会。公司旗下拥有众多世界知名的品牌,包括Club Car、哈斯曼、英格索兰、西勒奇、冷王和特灵。在每一个业务领域,英格索兰都能够激发公司和客户的不断发展。
Shanghai Ingersoll-Rand Compressor Ltd.,始建于1987年,是美国Ingersoll-Rand在中国最早投资的螺杆空压机制造生产基地,属于美国英格索兰的全资子公司。自1990年开业以来,其制造的产品在全国螺杆空气压缩机行业中始终处于领先地位,用户分布全国各地,产品主要包括有油螺杆,无油螺杆,调速变频螺杆,离心式压缩机和冷干机等。由于引进美国英格索兰的最新技术和国际先进的质量管理体系,公司产品技术和质量始终保持在领先地位。公司成立以来,市场占有率不断扩大,并以每年超过35%销售收入增长来保持稳步快速的发展。



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