雀巢(中国) SHE Manager

放大字体  缩小字体 2012-12-22 1112
行业 快消•零售 职位 快消•零售
招聘部门 招聘人数 1人
工作地区 江苏泰州市 工作性质 不限
性别要求 不限 婚姻要求 不限
学历要求 本科 工作经验 8年以上
年龄要求 不限年龄 待遇水平 面议
更新日期 2012-12-22 有效期至 长期有效
 工作部门Department: Nestle Health Science




· Direct and co-ordinate the development and implementation of the Project's SHE strategy & program. Recommend project SHE objectives considering Market and Corporate objectives. Monitor and communicate on performance to improve decision making regarding SHE and to integrate SHE into business decisions.

· Implement, control, maintain and improve the Project / Factory SHE Management systems including achieving and maintaining ISO14001 and OHSAS18001 certification. Support this through developing and implementing specific tools and initiatives as part of the Project / Factory's SHE program as well as exercising functional leadership of the TPM SHE pillar.

· Provide coaching & support to the Project and Factory Management team and Line Managers in order to achieve the Project / Factory's SHE objectives and to ensure SHE becomes / remains a line management responsibility. Ensure that SHE performance data is available and correctly managed. Promote the awareness of SHE.

· Champion the Plant's SHE risk assessment program, including assessment, incident investigation, corrective action and auditing, as well as ensuring a focus on BBS and culture.




· Previous professional experience across safety, health and/or environmental areas; leadership role in implementing SHE systems.

· Successfully demonstrated ability to manage change.

· Demonstrated ability to deliver results through others.

· Mandarin as mother tongue. Fully fluent in English

· Diploma in Engineering, or Safety, Health, and Environment related discipline

· Deep knowledge of Chinese SHE standards

· Experience with multi-national companies, incl. suppliers

· Willingness for travelling abroad as long as 3 months without home return

· Exposure abroad experience

· Have had experience in medical / pharma. industry (SFDA)

· Familiar with TPM methodology and Lean approach

· Basic knowledge of safety first-aid

总部位于瑞士的雀巢集团,是世界上最大的食品公司,在中国有着长久的历史。一个世纪以来,中国消费者已经非常熟悉并信任雀巢品牌,因为早在上世纪的 1908年,雀巢公司就在上海开设了它在中国的第一家销售办事处。雀巢是最早进入中国的外商之一,对中国有着坚定的承诺。八十年代初,雀巢就开始与中国政 府商谈在中国投资建厂,并将其在营养品和食品加工方面的世界上顶尖的专有技术和丰富的专业知识转让给中国。1990年,雀巢在中国大陆的第一家合资厂开始 运营,随后又建了多家工厂。雀巢通过利用本地原材料在本地制造同等高品质的食品,替代进口产品,帮助中国在这方面节约了大量外汇。现在雀巢在中国大陆销售 的产品中98%是在本地制造的。

“雀巢”已成为在大中华地区消费者心中最驰名并且最信任的外国品牌之一,该品牌覆盖了一系列按照国际 质量标准制造的产品,包括奶粉、液体奶、酸奶、婴儿配方奶粉、婴儿米/麦粉、甜炼乳、成长奶粉、早餐谷物、速溶咖啡、咖啡伴侣(植脂末)、冰淇淋、巧克力 和糖果、瓶装水、饮品、鸡精和调味品。

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