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点击 762回答 1 2011-09-18 09:15


已解决 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间 2012-04-15 21:37
反对 0举报收藏 0评论 0
  • 游客
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-04-15 20:14
Dilution Ventilation is recommended in the warehouse. Dilution Ventilation & Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) are recommended in the workshop. More details are listed as below for your reference Fiction
Liquid in the container evaporates and vapor/air mixture flows onto the floor where it is extracted by the floor exhaust slot. Fact
Liquid in the container evaporates and some of the vapor/air mixture flows onto the floor and is partially extracted by the floor level exhaust slot. The major portion of the vapor/air mixture mixes with the room air.
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