点击 686回答 2 2011-10-07 19:50


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  • 游客
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2011-10-17 16:51
可以。 晓之以情 动之以理 甚至威逼利诱 呵呵!总之有了离职体检无恙后 以后再出现职业病问题与你无关。
  • 游客
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-04-15 19:35
The day to attend health check should be regarded as working day.
Please refer to 《职业健康监护管理办法》
The laws require employers provide health surveillance to their employees but did not say employee have to
attend these health checks... I recall early days some industrials did encourage their colleagues to have health
checks by allowing half day more off after health checks (such check normally take only less than half day) or
giving some bonus or gifts ... it is your company responsibilities to arrange your colleagues to do health checks; I
learn some companies do let those to sign some doc if they reject to have health checks but nor sure whether or not
such way could minimize any liabilities or so... more proper communication could help them to understand such
requirements and benefits to them.
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