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First aid 是如何定义 的?

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 First aid 是如何定义的?
反对 0举报收藏 0评论 0
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2011-11-07 09:05
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-02-07 15:54
Medication Over-the-counter Prescription medication

Nonprescription medication at prescription dosage

Immunizations Tetanus

Hepatitis (preventive)

Hepatitis (in response to an exposure incident)

Rabies (to treat a specific injury)

Cleaning or  soaking wounds on the surface of the skin Always first aid even if multiple applications Not applicable
Wound coverings Band-Aids


Butterfly adhesives



Glues and tapes for closure of the would

Hot or cold therapy Always first aid even if administered by medical personnel Not applicable
Supports Wraps


Elastic bandages

Non-rigid supports



Orthopedic devices for immobilization

Immobilization devices During initial transport:


Neck collar

Air splint

Rigid back belts-

The use of cast splints or  orthopedic devices (generally with stays or non binding support) designed to immobilize a body part to permit it to rest and recover is medical treatment since they are typically prescribed by a PLHCP and are for long term use for serious injuries or illnesses.

Splints and other devices after initial transport

Drilling a finger or toe nail or lancing a blister Always first aid Not applicable
Eye patches Always first aid Not applicable
Removal of foreign bodies from the eye Irrigation

Cotton swab

Embedded or  adhered objects which require more complicated procedures
Removal of foreign bodies (other than the eye) Irrigation


Cotton swabs

Other simple means

Complicated procedures

Excision of tissue

Finger guards Always first aid Not applicable
Massages Always first aid Physical therapy

Chiropractic manipulation

Drinking fluids for heat stress relief Always first aid Intravenous injections

Diagnosis of heat syncope (fainting)

  • 游客
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-04-15 12:35
可以参考‘OSHA Recordkeeping Handbook’,里面有非常详细的定义,在Section 1904.7(b)(5)(i)。
The final rule, at Section 1904.7(b)(5)(i), defines medical treatment as the management and
care of a patient for the purpose of combating disease or disorder. For the purposes of Part
1904, medical treatment does not include:
(A) Visits to a physician or other licensed health care professional solely for observation or
(B) The conduct of diagnostic procedures, such as x-rays and blood tests, including the
administration of prescription medications used solely for diagnostic purposes (e.g., eye drops
to dilate pupils); or
(C) "First aid" as defined in paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section.
The final rule, at paragraph (b)(5)(ii), defines first aid as follows:
(A) Using a nonprescription medication at nonprescription strength (for medications available in both prescription and
non-prescription form, a recommendation by a physician or other licensed health care professional to use a
non-prescription medication at prescription strength is considered medical treatment for recordkeeping purposes).
(B) Administering tetanus immunizations (other immunizations, such as hepatitis B vaccine or rabies vaccine, are
considered medical treatment).
(C) Cleaning, flushing or soaking wounds on the surface of the skin;
(D) Using wound coverings, such as bandages, Band-Aids®, gauze pads, etc.; or using butterfly bandages or Steri-Strips®
(other wound closing devices, such as sutures, staples, etc. are considered medical treatment);
(E) Using hot or cold therapy;
(F) Using any non-rigid means of support, such as elastic bandages, wraps, non-rigid back belts, etc. (devices with rigid
stays or other systems designed to immobilize parts of the body are considered medical treatment for recordkeeping
(G) Using temporary immobilization devices while transporting an accident victim (e.g., splints, slings, neck collars, back
boards, etc.)
(H) Drilling of a fingernail or toenail to relieve pressure, or draining fluid from a blister;
(I) Using eye patches;
(J) Removing foreign bodies from the eye using only irrigation or a cotton swab;
(K) Removing splinters or foreign material from areas other than the eye by irrigation, tweezers, cotton swabs, or other
simple means;
(L) Using finger guards;
(M) Using massages (physical therapy or chiropractic treatment are considered medical treatment for recordkeeping
(N) Drinking fluids for relief of heat stress.
This list of first aid treatments is comprehensive, i.e., any treatment not included on this list is not considered first
aid for OSHA recordkeeping purposes. OSHA considers the listed treatments to be first aid regardless of the
professional qualifications of the person providing the treatment; even when these treatments are provided by a physician,
nurse, or other health care professional, they are considered first aid for recordkeeping purposes...
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