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点击 816回答 1 2012-02-14 13:46

职业健康检查 项目确定 Occupational health checkup items determination

已解决 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间 2012-11-09 16:01
Now our company is recruiting new people to perform aircraft interior assembly, woodworking and painting work. As for the pre-job occupational health checkup, how to determine the checkup items? Now we are not clear what kinds of dust might be produced, and we don't know which kinds of painting and adhesives (that is we don't know the chemical components) will be used. Please give me some suggestions. Thank you! 
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  • 游客
支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-02-23 14:05

       四川大学华西第四医院  职业卫生评价科

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