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点击 1004回答 1 2011-09-18 08:15

How to define the concept of general chemical and hazardous chemical?

已解决 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间 2012-11-09 16:13
How to define the concept of general chemical and hazardous chemical?
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支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-04-16 10:52
 I think mixture classification is not easy and we EHS can't classify just based on the information that hazardous component being contained in mixture . Even there are 26 GB standard being published along with GHS goes effective from May 1st , 2011.
In our company kind of this issue will be covered by Product stewardship person. They will follow GB standard and use some tools or ask subject expert help to do classification based on some necessary information.
My personal recommendation is that you push back to material provider and ask them provide you the GHS classification result . If you really want to judge by yourself , you can refer to the GB standard , some principles like bridging principles may be used for classification. But I don't think other department will think it's reasonable result .
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