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点击 450回答 1 2013-03-15 20:13

关于Drager accuro便携式手泵的Volume Calibration Check

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 有没有同行在检查气密性之外, 也做Volume Calibration Check的?

Model 31 Volume Test Kit, part number 4052543 有售吗?或业已升级换代?(未在Drager网站上查找到相关信息,暂未 询问Drager相关人员)

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支持 0 反对 0 举报 2013-03-15 20:14
 The model 31 has been replaced by draeger accuro 2000 hand pump. For the enclosed document you can see some detail information. For the hand pump doesn’t use any power, it’s pure mechanical principle, if there isn’t any leakage, it doesn’t need to do the volume calibration, just do the leakage test is enough. Last year, we lunched new automatic tube pump, it has many outstanding features like barcode operation, auto gas flow……, it’s especially for the large stroke tubes, and its volume can be calibrated by calibration tube.
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