Name: Peter Lau
Gender: MALE
Date of Birth: 1979/05/20
Mobile: 0086-13631732197
Self Assessment
Law and information system management education background, familiar with electronic equipments, two years working and studying experiences overseas, Fluent in English , mandarin, Cantonese. Strong relationship with factories and suppliers in South China. A good relationship with China chamber of commerce for import and export of machinery and electronic products. A HSE professional focus on safety culture, continual improvement, control risks through engineer design and human factors.
Work Experience
2009 /10--Present:self-employed
through clubs, internet BBS.
2010/06 Jarden consumer solution
Evaluate the new installed wage &clock system at one of JCS’s fully owned factories, find out the hidden risks, give the suggestions on correction.
2008/07—2009/05:Walmart Global Procurement
supplier development Supplier/Vendor Management
Design and promote the solution of supplier’s development, evaluate and train the suppliers’ system of managing factories. The following is one of my tasks:
(2008/7--2009/1: supplier compliance program review
Project Descript ion: In order to lower the cost, improve the social compliance program, we promote this program. It includes designing the protocol, roadmap, arranging manpower, selecting the suppliers, doing pilot run, remedy, finally finish the manual and standard.
Responsibility: team leader)
2007/06--2008/07:Walmart Global Procurement
Factory certification senior auditor
Assist the supervisor managing the audit team, arrange and execute the investigate audit against the report from medium, train the new fresh and suppliers , factories.
2004/11--2007/06:Walmart Global Procurement
Factory ceritfication auditor
Provide the factory certification service to the factories and suppliers which are doing business with us, that service includes occupational health and safety , social compliance, system management etc. And give the guidance to them.
2003/07--2004/07:CAV lisheng audio equipment Co.,Ltd
promotion&marketing center Sales Manager
supervising the sales performance in the major cities, report the market trend to the director, hire and train the sale person, promotion planning.
2002/05--2003/07 Lawrence Technological University, Detroit, the United States Management of Information Systems Master
how to build a bridge between IT department and the other department, make job done better with their cooperation. understanding the principle and routine of the information system,then how to make a decision based on it. ( the degree was not accomplished due to the financial problem)
1997/09--2001/07 Southweatern University of political science and law Law Bachelor
2011/04 ISHN heat stress a best practice appoach
2010/12 ISHN(industry safety and health news) using noise measurement to engage and empower
2010/12 ISHN noise reduction rates vs fit-testing numbers
2009/02 verite’ compliance managing system training
2006/05--2006/05 Walmart Global Procurement internal training department supervisory school workshop
2005/04--2005/04 ENSR international EHS training