全球首起机器人杀人案进展:家属怒告制造商 Robot kills fellow worker

   2017-03-16 8020
核心提示:Ventra Ionia Main(以下简称Ventra)是一家设立在美国密歇根州爱奥尼亚的汽车零配件制造商。2015年7月的一天,这家公司的维修技

Ventra Ionia Main(以下简称“Ventra”)是一家设立在美国密歇根州爱奥尼亚的汽车零配件制造商。

2015年7月的一天,这家公司的维修技师万达·霍尔布鲁克(Wanda Holbrook)在装配线上执行日常职责时,突然“被装配线上的机器人抓住并压死。”

美发生机器人致人死亡事件 被害人头骨被击碎

今年3月7日,她的丈夫威廉·霍尔布鲁克(William Holbrook)向密歇根联邦法院提起不正当死亡诉讼,把为这家工厂提供机器人配件及安装的5家北美机器人公司厂商告上法庭。

这5家工厂分别是Prodomax,Flex-N-Gate,FANUC,Nachi和Lincoln Electric。






原告未透露索赔的具体金额,但表示在被害人令人毛骨悚然的死亡之前,曾经历了“巨大的恐惧、震惊、有意识的疼痛和折磨。”他同时还以产品责任和违约两项罪名起诉FANUC,Nachi和Lincoln Electric三家厂商。







In what could be a first, a robot is being sued for killing a human colleague.

In July 2015, Wanda Holbrook, “a maintenance technician performing routine duties on an assembly line” at an auto-parts maker in Ionia, Michigan, called Ventra Ionia Main, “was ‘trapped by robotic machinery’ and crushed to death”.

On March 7, her husband, William Holbrook, filed a wrongful death complaint in Michigan federal court, naming five North American robotics companies involved in engineering and integrating the machines and parts used at the plant. These included Prodomax, Flex-N-Gate, FANUC, Nachi, and Lincoln Electric.

Holbrook’s job involved keeping robots in working order. She routinely inspected and adjusted processes on the assembly line at Ventra, which makes bumpers.

Holbrook was performing her regular duties when a machine acted very irregularly, according to the lawsuit reported in Courthouse News.

Holbrook was in the plant’s six-cell “100 section” when a robot unexpectedly activated, taking her by surprise. The cells are separated by safety doors and the robot should not have been able to move. But it somehow reached Holbrook, and was intent on loading a trailer-hitch assembly part right where she stood over a similar part in another cell.

The machine loaded the hardware onto Holbrook’s head. She was unable to escape, and her skull was crushed. Co-workers who eventually noticed that something seemed amiss found Holbrook dead.

William Holbrook seeks an unspecified amount of damages, arguing that before her gruesome death, his wife “suffered tremendous fright, shock and conscious pain and suffering”.

He also names three of the defendants — FANUC, Nachi, and Lincoln Electric — in two additional claims of product liability and breach of implied warranty.

The case argues that the robots, tools, controllers, and associated parts were not properly designed, manufactured or tested, and not fit for use.

“The robot from section 130 should have never entered section 140, and should have never attempted to load a hitch assembly within a fixture that was already loaded with a hitch assembly. A failure of one or more of defendants’ safety systems or devices had taken place, causing Wanda’s death,” the lawsuit alleges.


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