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点击 1105回答 1 2011-09-18 08:43


已解决 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间 2012-04-15 21:37
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支持 0 反对 0 举报 2012-04-15 20:20

1. EPS Sandwich Panel
Per lab analysis and actual E&S incident, it is confirmed that the
EPS sandwich panel is with relative high fire hazard – It is
combustible, and can get fire when burning. Toxic smoke will be
generated in fire.
It is recommended by insurer (e.g. FMGlobal) not to apply EPS
sandwich panel as partition material, especially for the in-door partition.
财产保险公司(例如FMGlobal)公司要求禁止采用聚苯乙烯夹芯彩钢板作为房间隔断材料,尤其是室内的房间隔断。 2. Stone Wool Sandwich Panel Per lab analysis, it is confirmed that the stone wool sandwich panel is non-combustible, and without fire hazard. It is recommended panel if sandwich panel is required. Stone wool is not asbestos. Experiment has confirmed that asbestos can lead to cancer, while no evidence shows that stone wool /fiber will lead to cancer. 根据实验室实验验证,岩棉夹芯彩钢板是不燃性材料,没有火灾风险。要用彩钢板时建议使用这种彩钢板。 岩棉不是石棉。专家实验证实:石棉会导致癌症,而没有证据表明岩棉或玻璃纤维会导致癌症。 p.s.:
Some stone wool manufacturers may mix little asbestos in the stone wool. In this case, can send the sample to 3rd party lab for confirmation. For asbestos detail can refer to “Asbestos Convention, 1986 No. 162”.
岩棉的制造中有时会混入少许石棉。这时岩棉样品可以送交给第三方实验室进行确认。关于石棉危害可以参见《安全使用石棉公约》。 Appendix: Lab for asbestos test (3rd party): Laboratory ,ETS -Test consult Limited Address,8/F, Blk. B, Veristrong Industrial Centre, 34-36 Au Pui Wan Street, Fotan, Hong Kong Contact Person,Clifford Lee Telephone : +852-2695 8318
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